Today, businesses are collecting and analyzing more data than ever before. 在LBMC就业伙伴公司, we understand the importance of integrated data, and we help our clients manage all of their information with the use of UKG Ready.

UKG Ready是一个 人力资本管理 (HCM) program that allows employees and HR professionals to access all of their tools and information in one place. 当与a的服务配对时 专业雇主组织 like LBMCEP, UKG Ready can give your company everything it needs to succeed.

UKG Ready可以做些什么来帮助我的公司?


UKG Ready goes above and beyond by integrating all your data, 员工档案, 和人力资源工具整合在一起, 用户友好的平台, 精简整个人力资源流程. This cohesive system eradicates the need for multiple reference points or versions of truth, instilling confidence in the accuracy of information. Every piece of employee data seamlessly finds its place within a unified database, harmoniously integrated across the breadth of the platform. Managers benefit from a seamless single sign-on experience that grants access to a wealth of information. 这不仅包括考勤记录, 时间跟踪, 工资的细节, 全面的员工档案, but also the assurance of cloud-based security that permits convenient access from any corner of the world, 在任何时候. This accessibility ensures that the endeavor of managing employee data becomes effortlessly 非常高效。.


UKG Ready transcends the realm of traditional HR tasks, propelling your HR practices into a new echelon of strategic employee management. The tools it offers are not confined to mere administration but extend into the realm of insightful analysis. LBMC就业伙伴’ adept HR professionals adeptly navigate this realm of data, empowering your business to harness the untapped potential of your workforce. This strategic approach breathes new life into productivity, 订婚, 并最终, 贵公司的整体发展.


In an era where remote work has become the norm, UKG Ready steps up to ease the transition by facilitating the migration of 时间跟踪, 生产率指标, 并将员工信息传到云端. While this accessibility is valuable for all, it’s particularly indispensable for businesses navigating sudden shifts. To ensure that remote work doesn’t impede productivity, UKG Ready provides a suite of built-in tools designed to keep employees focused, 非常高效。, 在轨道上, 不管他们的物理位置如何. Acknowledging the challenges of remote adaptation, LBMC就业伙伴 offer remote support, ensuring your company optimally leverages the platform’s capabilities even from a distance.


Growth-oriented companies find in UKG Ready a potent ally. By integrating essential tools for recruitment, 新员工培训, 和培训, the platform becomes an indispensable asset for those aiming to expand or rebuild their workforce. These features empower employers to expedite the hiring process while ensuring new hires receive the necessary training to excel. The single sign-on accessibility that characterizes UKG Ready facilitates a seamless journey from recruitment to offboarding, providing the HR backbone needed to support sustained growth.


For those burdened by outdated HR practices, UKG Ready’s streamlined approach brings relief. 通过集中和自动化人力资源任务, it not only minimizes errors but also significantly reduces the time and financial resources invested. While the initial transition might seem like a challenge, the expertise offered by LBMC就业伙伴 ensures a smooth adoption of one of the market’s premier HCM software products. The resulting efficiency gains translate into a substantial return on investment that directly impacts your company’s financial health and resilience.

有兴趣了解更多? 观看明升体育app下载演示.


Ready to explore more with Human Capital Management?

LBMC就业伙伴 can help your company get started with UKG Ready.


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All content and services on this page are offered by LBMC就业伙伴, 有限责任公司. LBMC就业伙伴, 有限责任公司, is part of the LBMC Family of Companies and is an independent entity with services and products being provided exclusively by LBMC就业伙伴, 有限责任公司.